Here are some relevant links for designing, building, and displaying web pages. All you have to do is look around.
Once you've built your page, than throw some applets or JavaScript on there to spruce it up. Anyway, these should give you a good start.
HTML Training and Resources
Willz's Homepage - Get help making a legendary homepage
HTML: An Interactive Tutorial for Beginners - learn HTML interactively and by example. Good for those who hate terminology!
The HTML HELPER! - A page that teaches you how to do almost all there is to know about HTML codes...
Webmaster Resource Centre - Loads of web development links, CGI scripts and lots more - good warez site
Compose Page Colors - a great place to test background, links, text, and other colors on a web page and produce the correct <body> tags. Kewl!
DJ Quad's Ultimate HTML Site - this is
an excellent page for any beginner. It RULES!
A Beginner's Guide to HTML - from NCSA. A good guide for beginners. Look at all the information they have for you here.
Hypertext Madness of Laurence Simon - He really goes off, but it's a kewl place to visit anyway.
All the HTML Commands
- Learn by example: (just about) all the HTML elements and attributes, including extensions.
An Example Page That Makes Sense
- Use your graphical browser that supports tables to see the HTML in one column, and what it does in the other column.
Bare Bones Guide to HTML - Just what the name says: "Bare Bones".
Cool HTML with Netscape
- Super Cool HTML techniques. This will get you noticed.
Creating HTML
- A beginners guide to programming HTML for the web. Recently updated for HTML 3.0 and Netscape extensions.
Paul's Design Guide to HTML 3.0
- links for information relevant to beginning and advanced HTML authors.
JavaScript Resources
Java ©M JavaScript ªº½d¨Ò
JavaScript Frames
The JavaScript Planet - tons and tons of scripts.
JavaScript Authoring Guide
JavaScript Tip of the Week -
The JavaScript Index - One of, if not THE, best place to find JavaScript. Check it out.
The JavaScript Archive - The site recommended by the guys in #html. Another great site with alot of applets.
Netscape's JavaScript Resources
Introduction to JavaSCript - Examples and tutorials from the book JavaScript Sourcebook.
The JavaScript Archive
The Unofficial JavaScript Resource Center - A great place for beginners to find out and beef up on JavaScript.
The Color Center - You choose a color for your background, text, and links, and it gives you the source code you need for your pages. Way kewl!
1040EZ Tax Calculator - Figure out how much you're getting back from Uncle Sam.
Java Resources
Sun's Java Applets Page - From the creators of Java comes a page of demos. If you're looking for info about Java, than look no farther.
The Gamelan Page - THE best place to look for and find Java applets, JavaScript, and more. This place is awesome!
The Java Botique - Another most excellent place to locate those pesky applets. They are categorized, and displayed with the tags needed to run. Great site! This is what mine w
ill look like when I'm done with it.
J.A.R.S. - The Java Applet Ratings System. They rate applets according to category, then display their origin for downloading. Nice!
Perl and CGI Resources
MINTER Software Argentina - C/C++ Development
Luis Pedro's Homepage - Nice Homepage
The HTML Tutor: CGI Scripts - my personal page with links to very popular CGI scripts for web pages. Freely download and use at will.
The CGI Palace - a great collection of scripts, including a guestbook, message board, mailer, and more. Check it out!
Technotrade - a kewl collection of CGI scripts. I think I'm gonna go get some of em right now!
Yahoo's CGI Page - I could try and list some good sites, but these are all you'll ever need. All I would end up doing is
rape this site, and it's better left alone.
Graphics Resources
Photoshop Cool Tips - text effects and other cool tips.
Ticks on Trips - more unique ways to make text stand out.
The Ultimate Compendium of Photoshop Sites - the name says it all. Another awesome page.
Ultimate Photoshop: Free Filters - awesome! Grab some kewl filters for Photoshop.
CoolType - an exellant page for any and all Photoshop users. Covers different text effects, as well as other Photoshop options.
Photoshop: Tips and Tricks - my personal collection of Photoshop "How To's". Learn to make bevels, fire text, chrome and more!